Printed Book
kritisk etnografi, no. 5
In this double issue of kritisk etnografi - Swedish Journal of Anthropology, Guest Editors Maris Boyd Gillette and Cristina Grasseni address whether Europe is skilling for sustainable food. In artides looking at food production and procurement in Belgium, Sweden, England, and ltaly, the authors treat sustainability as an emic category rather than a normative one, highlighting the subjectivities and meaning formations that emerge in specific sites. Collectively, the authors ask which skills and sensorial formations facilitate sustainable food provisioning, and which forms of social organisation might support or obstruct movement away from "business as usual" in the food system. A report on the preliminary findings and reflections of the Food Citizens?-project, which also focuses on European food provisioning, condudes the volume. kritisk etnografi - Swedish Journal of Anthropology is an independent journal run by researchers, and as such, it presents a tangible alternative to the business model of commercial publishers. It is owned and published by the Swedish Society for Anthropology and Geography (Svenska Sällskapet for Antropologi och Geografi). The journal is peer-reviewed, online, open access without any costs for authors or readers, and publishes original research articles, as well as reports from Swedish anthropological community. kritisk etnografi aims ro foster responsible scholarship with global scope, local relevance and public engagement.