kritisk etnografi – Swedish Journal of Anthropology, 2020, Vol 3

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kritisk etnografi – Swedish Journal of Anthropology, 2020, Vol 3

The anthropology of wellbeing in troubled times putting swedish anthropology to work

Soft cover
130 pages

Sten Hagberg (red.), Jörgen Hellman (red.)

Price from SEK 219

kritisk etnografi, no. 3

This volume of kritisk etnografi – Swedish Journal of Anthropology focuses on two main themes: the Anthropology of Wellbeing in Troubled Times; and Putting Swedish Anthropology to Work. Coordinated by Professor Paul Stoller, the Medallist at the 2013 Vega Day, the first theme is connected directly to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, namely the quest for wellbeing in troubled times. In this vein, an anthropology of wellbeing promotes the public engagement of anthropology. The contributors address how anthropology and anthropologists can and should contribute to wellbeing. The second theme addresses the potentials and practices of ethnography in applied contexts. Gothenburg Anthropologists Professor Maris Gillette and Professor Lisa Åkesson bring together articles that analyse experiences of working ethnographically in applied settings. The contributions indicate that anthropologists do not bring the solutions, but work in close cooperation with the people affected. It is through this interaction that ‘solutions’, or various ‘choices’ emerge and take shape. As always, kritisk etnografi – Swedish Journal of Anthropology also includes other quality research papers outside the two themes.

kritisk etnografi – Swedish Journal of Anthropology is owned and published by the Swedish Society for Anthropology and Geography (Svenska Sällskapet för Antropologi och Geografi). The journal is peer-reviewed, online, and publishes original research articles, as well as reports from Swedish anthropological community. It is open access: always, everywhere, and for everyone. kritisk etnografi aims to foster responsible scholarship with global scope, local relevance and public engagement.